Governing Body

Democratic and decentralized governance ensures the smooth functioning of the College towards fulfilment of its vision of serving as an ideal educational institution for higher education and all round development of young women. The highest decision making authority is the Governing Body comprising of representatives from the State Government, the University and all stake holders. The Governing Body, the Teachers' Council and the various sub-committees hold meetings regularly for planning, implementation and evaluation of all activities. The quality sustenance and quality enhancement initiatives are steered by the Internal Quality Assurance cell (IQAC).
However, under current dispensation owing to the expiry of the stipulated tenure of the Governing Body, the state has appointed/nominated an Administrator (a senior government official-cum-academician) to function and administer at par or in equivalence with the Governing body. The present Administrator, Dr. Keka Trivedi, Joint Director of Public Instructions, Department of Higher Education, Govt. of West Bengal (appointed on 16th March, 2024), dispenses and administers in consultation with the institutional head, i.e. the Principal. This administrative apparatus maintains strict compliance with state rules and directive as a state-aided college and ensures transparency in governance of the institution.